This page is only viewable by the account owners, not all users
Add and remove certain custom assets to certain user's portfolios / accounts
Manage you broker connections
Change details related to the account (Company info and Primary Contact info)
View details about the level of licence the account has
Change the Default Currency and Default Benchmark for the account
Change whether dividend data is entered manually or automatically
Admins are able to manage accounts from this page
Client Manager
What you can do
If you select the options icon on the top right-hand corner of a portfolio as an owner, see all your managers’ client portfolios
As a manager, see your own client portfolios
As an owner, share client portfolios with managers and/or assign clients their own portal
As a manager, share your clients' portfolios to other managers and/or assign clients their own portal
Tips to remember
Remember to add a manager or client to the account first before you try to assign anything to them. You can do this in Manage Account and then select Manage Users.
Create Portfolio
What you can do
Create a portfolio to add to an existing client, or create a new one
Select a base currency for your portfolio
Add portfolio custodians/accounts
Select Dividend payment type
Select a benchmark index for your portfolio
Select whether you wish to see asset classes by either Risk Asset Class or Instrument Type
Tips to remember
Dividend payment type depends on whether you will be entering the dividends you receive manually or receiving them as transactions from your broker, or whether you wish the platform to estimate what they are for you based on quantities you own
What you can do
Choose from 1 of 4 downloadable reports in PDF format
Tips to remember
Select the period and report you wish to produce
For the 2 custom reports you can edit the data this report produces by clicking advance settings and then selecting the tick boxes as required.