See a breakdown of all your portfolios positions, both open and closed
See a breakdown of all transactions that have occurred in the portfolio since inception
Tips to remember
Add or remove columns by selecting the show/hide fields
Search for positions and filter by a multitude of different factors such as date range, instrument type and country etc.
By default, your summary page will not show any closed positions. You can toggle this on and off at the top of the page
Export your portfolio into an excel document by pressing “export transactions” in the top right corner, this allows you then upload the replicate in a different portfolio
Transactions Explainer
What you can do
See a breakdown of all transactions that have occurred in the portfolio since inception
Tips to remember
Transactions are not grouped like your positions; it will detail each trade individually for each respective asset.
Add or remove columns by selecting the show/hide fields
Search for positions and filter by a multitude of different factors such as date range, instrument type and country etc.
Add Transactions
What you can do
Manually upload transactions from all asset classes: Equity; Fixed Income; Funds / ETFs; Cryptocurrencies; Crypto Swaps; FX Spot Trades; Transfer; Commodities; Deposits and Withdrawals; Options; Warrants; Cash Adjustments; Real Assets / Estate.
Tips to remember
If you are doing it manually on the platform or using the excel template, you have 2 options when first uploading. 1) You can either upload a cash balance initially and then purchase instruments using that cash balance. If you do not do this, and you choose a settle currency that doesn’t have a cash balance in, it will result in a borrowing. 2) OR you can use the position uploader/select transfer in the settlement currency box to upload a position, this will result in no opposing cash deduction or addition if you are uploading a short position
illio will autofill a price for some instruments based of the EOD market data for the date you provide
Deduction is a negative adjustment, whilst a rebate is a positive adjustment
If the instrument currency differs from the Portfolio base currency, an FX rate is auto filled with the closing rate on the transaction date. You can edit the FX rate if the actual executed rate is different
The default settlement currency will be your Portfolio base currency, however if the transaction was settled in local currency, select that local currency
Custodian will autofill with the default custodian you selected upon creating the portfolio
The Note section allows you to add any additional information regarding this transaction eg. it may form part of a particular investment strategy
Real Estate and Real Assets must be manually created first before they can be added to a portfolio
Import Transactions
What you can do
After you populate the excel and upload it to illio, you will be taken to a review page. Before illio pulls the data through to your portfolio, you can check the correct information has been recognized from the excel
illio will highlight any transactions that have data gaps, which you can manually edit from the review page
Tips to remember
If you are doing it manually on the platform or using the excel template, you have 2 options when first uploading. 1) You can either upload a cash balance initially and then purchase instruments using that cash balance. If you do not do this, and you choose a settle currency that doesn’t have a cash balance in, it will result in a borrowing. 2) OR you can use the position uploader/select transfer in the settlement currency box to upload a position, this will result in no opposing cash deduction or addition if you are uploading a short position
Make sure your instruments are formatted correctly according to the instructions on the second sheet
Add an exchange code at the end of the ticker for a higher chance of immediate identification