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Risk Help

illio Business

Historic Risk Analytics

What you can do
  • View Daily / Monthly Portfolio and Benchmark Volatility
  • View Daily / Monthly distributions of Portfolio returns
  • View Daily / Monthly Performance Index and Drawdown
  • View portfolio risk statistics and analytics
Tips to remember
  • Toggle between Daily and Monthly volatility by selecting the relevant time period on the top left
  • Hovering over the bars on the distribution chart gives a breakdown of the % move frequency


What you can do
  • illio Backtest works by taking the current positions as of today and taking them back either 260 or 100 business days to then calculate performance and volatility
  • View Daily Backtest and Benchmark Volatility
  • View distributions of Backtest returns
  • View a scatter chart of Annualised Return vs Volatility (daily) showing data points for your portfolio, selected index and asset classes
  • View Simulated 1 year return versus 260-day volatility (over time)
Tips to remember
  • Hovering over the bars on the distribution chart gives a breakdown of the % move frequency
  • Hover over the asset class bubbles in the Annualised Return vs Volatility chart to see statistics
  • Toggle between 100 and 260 business days using the button on the top left

Risk vs Return

What you can do
  • View a scatter graph breaking down your Annualised Return vs 1 Yr Daily Volatility, showing data points for your portfolio, selected index and asset classes
  • Return, Volatility and Market Value in base currency can be seen for your portfolio, selected index and asset classes in a table to the right of the graph
Tips to remember
  • Hovering over the data plotswill show more information
  • Clicking on the respective symbols in the table to the right of the graph will remove that data point from the scatter chart
  • The closer your asset classes and portfolio are to the top left corner, The higher the return/volatility ratio of that asset class/portfolio.


What you can do
  • You can estimate how certain economic scenarios could potentially affect your portfolio
  • Use the sliders along the top to change multiple variables
  • The P&L impact of applicable assets affected by the selected change in the benchmark, is estimated by using the historical beta, which is a measure of the correlation and relationship between the variability of the price of an asset and the variability of the benchmark
Tips to remember
  • ·There is a dropdown at the top right of the graph that can change the data view from the default of Sector to: Asset Class; Country; Currency
  • This is an estimate using historical relationships and correlations and is not an indication of future performance


What you can do
  • View breakdown and contribution of asset classes to portfolio volatility (260-day period)
  • View 260-day Beta of your 10 largest positions vs benchmark index
Tips to remember
  • Toggle between 100 and 260 business days using the button on the top left